So no school this semester which means I have to devote myself to working. I am actually excited about that, if I could just find a job. I am going to have some very high bills for school so I need some jobs ASAP!
Yes, plural.
I have a babysitting job on Monday's from 8:30-4:30 and I might get this job I interviewed at on the weekends, Saturday 8-5 and Sunday 12-5. But now I need a job from Tuesday-Friday.
I was unpacking boxes today that were in the attic that I packed before I went to Peru and in my head I was thinking, soon I will be packing these boxes again and moving on to the next phase of my life.
I am ready for that phase.
I mean I think God has some things for me to learn before I can start it, but I am excited about it.
I need to learn about finances and living on a budget and taking care of myself so that I know I can survive on my own.
I have nothing exciting to say currently, just needed to feel my fingers hitting the keys, releasing thoughts inside my head.