To the woman who lost her baby in the womb.
I know how you feel. I know your pain. I know your sadness.
I know how it feels to not understand, to ask why?
I know how it is to wonder what he/she would have looked like.
When would they have been born? How much would they weigh?
Would they favor me or their father?
Why did something go wrong?
Was it my fault? Could I have done anything differently?
I have battled those questions as well. And I have gotten no good answers.
So I know your struggle.
It's an internal battle, one in which many know of and many do not understand.
So many people say all the wrong things and some know exactly what to say.
I am not saying I have all the answers or know exactly what to say.
But I do know. I do understand. And I do still seek answers & wonder.
I know the One who has the answers, although we may not get them right now.
I know that He brings peace that surpasses all understanding.
I know that He will be like a Father, letting us cry on His shoulder.
I know that He understands loss and pain. He knows sadness.
And He is with our precious little ones in heaven.
I hope you believe in Him so that you can hold onto that peace.
That knowledge that your baby is safely in His arms, full of happiness & joy.
It would be hard to lose a baby and not believe in Him. I cannot fathom that.
So my prayer is that you will come to know Him personally. To find that healing.
To know of that love, joy & peace.
Because even in my sadness & grief, I have the hope of Christ.
He gives me His peace that surpasses all understanding & I know my baby is in His arms.
One day I will meet him/her and embrace them as I so long to do now but cannot.
For whatever reason that may be.