Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Oh Life!

I was reading a friends blog post about her life struggles and how she chooses life and to live for Christ and I was so encouraged by her words. Part of what I have written below was what I shared with her in my comment.
"Yesterday was the 29th birthday of my longest & dearest friend. She would have been 29 yesterday but she died a year ago tomorrow. She was a fighter until the end. Life just was not kind to her but God was rich in her life. She loved Him regardless. She was the most kind, caring & compassionate person, regardless of all the trials she faced. She loved fiercely and never gave up. Sin is alive & well in the world but thank God the enemy has been defeated.

Keep fighting the fight. Keep living for God through the trials and the triumphs.

She left behind a now 2 year & 4 month old son and that was definitely her greatest triumph. There were many years when we thought she never would conceive because of all she had been through and whether her body could handle it but God gave her the most beautiful son and although she is not here with him, God is with him and she lives on in her son. And in the love she bestowed upon her family & friends (ME)! She is now free from pain, praising God in heaven. She lived her life, fighting until the end and I am so encouraged that you choose to do the same, regardless of the trials you face, all those triumphs you have along the way are well worth it. And God shines on through you, through your daily decision to choose life and life abundantly.
My prayers are with you & I totally believe in God's perfect & beautiful plan for your life, whatever that may be, wherever He leads you & in every season He brings you through."

And I believe this for YOU, whoever may be reading this. God has a perfect plan for you. It will be full of trials & triumphs but do not give up. He is with you every step of the way. And although we may be undeserving, God loves us, believes in us, and never abandons us, even in the darkest of moments. He can be your strength and strong tower, your peace that surpasses all understanding if you just let Him. He loves you desperately and you are His child, His beloved and He has a plan for your life if you would just choose to walk in that life, no matter what it throws your way. I believe in you. Believe in yourself. Believe in the truths of the Father.