1, I hate that there are not many options for kids when it's scorching hot outside or inside (unrelated).
There is an awesome park but when its 100 degrees outside, that's just not going to happen. Downtown is a fun tourist attraction but the sun is beating down on you. Again, not going to happen.
2. I hate that the lanes are 1 lane and that people drive extremely slow and typically don't pull off to let you pass them.
The highway is 55 but people drive 40....all the time. And you are stuck that way all the way in and out of town basically, unless they pull off (It's 25 downtown once in town).
3. I hate that you have to drive long distances to get to things that you need outside of the basic necessities.
There aren't any stores to go to outside of the one grocery store (which I love)! There is a Dollar General. But you have to really watch out for expired things at most places.
4. I hate that it takes 6 weeks to get into a doctors appointment just for a routine check up.
And you have to drive anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour just to get to the appointment. Enough said.
5. I hate that I have to be paranoid about spiders and other possible creatures.
Brown Recluse, Black Widow, even Tarantulas..Eek. No thank you.
6. I hate that there are not more drive thru options.
McDonald's and Subway just aren't cutting it. Especially when you have sleeping babies in the car and really want a snow cone or groceries. I hope Quik Trip goes with drive thru's. Moms will totally be taking advantage of that. Except that there isn't one nearby for me.
7. Heck, I can't think of anymore. I'm sure I could come up with them but all that to say, I don't hate small town country living! Sometimes there are inconveniences but there is also a slow pace to life and seems to be more quality time with family outdoors.
We must be content with where we are when we are there. God has placed us in this moment, for these moments and we should make the best of them. And even if they are hard, challenging, maybe even not what we wanted or it didn't turn out as planned, we must choose to see the beauty in it all.
My beautiful baby boys. Their love, laughter. They are precious gifts.
My faithful husband. His love, devotion, I am so blessed.
My family and friends who have loved us and supported us.
A home to live in, a car to drive, God's provisions.
The sun & the moon and the beauty of the trees, clouds, birds singing.
It's all right in front of us. We choose to see it or not.
I choose to be content with where I am, trusting in the knowledge I have that He always takes care of me and my family and He isn't going to stop now.
So choose love. Not hate. Choose happiness and joy. Choose to be content where you are.
Choose to be the difference you see in this world.