Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Take Two

And yet two days for the second book.
Man am I taking in all that they have to offer.
This book gave me a reassurance.
A reminder that in my mistakes, I chose to get up, with the help of God and others and follow after the things of God. I did not choose to give in and live a life of sin. I realized I am nothing without Christ and that to live for Christ is the only way. A life of the world was not enough for me. I chose Christ.
God's strength in me was stronger than I realized. His love for me was more than I understood. He loved me so much that in the midst of my mistakes, He brought conviction enveloped with love, forgivenness, redemption, peace, healing, and friends to keep me accountable.
I am eternally grateful for all that God has done for me.
I would not be here today, where I am at right now in my life, if it were not for Him.
And although things may not be perfect, I do know that I choose God.
And He chose me a long time ago.
I am forever His daughter, His princess.
And I choose to embrace that.
He is faithful no matter the outcome. He will provide for my future, wherever He sends me. He will open and close the appropriate doors. And I am willing to go where He sends me.
And the deep longing to find a man someday I know will happen in His perfect timing, as I am learning to be dependent on God alone and no one else. He is giving me an opportunity to be lost in Him before He blesses me with someone else. And I can wait for that.
Right now and always my focus will be and should be to love and serve Him, bringing glory to His Kingdom alone.
I choose the narrow path.

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