Friday, October 30, 2009

Revival thoughts

Revival has come and gone and it was truly amazing.
God really moved on our campus through those messages.
The speakers were willing to be used by God and I am eternally grateful because God really did a working on my heart, in my mind, and in my soul. I feel so refreshed. Truly revived, however cliche that may be. I felt like the joy of the Lord was truly coursing through my veins, jumping up and down in worship, truly praising the Lord! I mean I believe that I really most always really give my all in worship but I just felt like it was so different, maybe because I felt truly restored, free, at peace. I don't know but it was a WOW moment.
I went up for prayer on claiming victory over certain things in my life, past and present.
It was a beautiful moment.
Now the real test begins, taking what I learned and truly applying it to my everyday living, not staying the same but transforming more into the image of Christ.
Baptize me with Your love Lord. I need more of Your love.

1 comment:

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart! I feel like I was right there with you! I love those wow moments that God gives us! Apply stuff is tricky but if we choose to do it truely amazing!