Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pacasmayo Here we are!

We took the bus to Lima. It was a long 12 hours from Lima. The buses have upgraded since I was here. They have internet, chargers for computers & phones and each person has their own tablet in front of them. And the seats are like lazy boy chairs. They also feed you dinner. I of course forgot to take my medicine before we began our travels so I was sick for the first 2-3 hours. Brian had to take care of Britan because I could not move. It was awful. Blah. Britan did well other than not wanting to be in a car seat for 12 hours. He has really adjusted well and nothing seems to faze him. He is loving his time outside, getting all dirty in the dirt and spending time with his aunts, uncle, cousins, and grandma.
We have been blessed to stay at the orphanage so I have been able to see some of the kids, most of the kids I knew are gone and it is all new faces. I did not realize so many kids were being adopted to the USA to the same area as the others in Missouri. How awesome is God!! We have been blessed to also spend time with Maggie & Jake and their kids! It has been nice to visit! We mostly have been just hanging out with family in our little home for our time here.
Everyone loves Britan. I do get a few comments about his feet and putting shoes on backwards but he is fine. Britan is not wanting to eat a lot, just go go go! So much new things to see and do, he doesnt know what to do with himself.
Tomorrow we may go to San Pedro to the little mini water park after lunch, depending on how much it costs. Lima is so expensive, thankfully its not as bad here. But we do want to help Brians family out if we can with a kitchen, new connections for electricity and maybe a table. We will see what we have towards the end of the trip to be able to do that for them. It is hard. Brian has been saving up for this for the past two years just so we can have this time with them and so he could bless his family while we are here but we have to be careful with how we spend it. So please pray for wisdom.
Anyway, the time goes much slower here which is nice because we want to enjoy every moment we have while we are here, taking in everything.
I think from all the travels, my lower back gave me a hard time today. All of a sudden I had massive pain and Brians sister was able to massage  it and I rested and felt much better. I was thinking of Heather and her appendix and was like OH MY GOSH please NO! Thank God for our health and thank you for your continued prayers for our health while we are here.
Britan has scared us 2 times since being here. In Lima at the hotel he fell face down the stairs. He was on the 4th stair down and i could not get to him fast enough and he had a good cry and I kept an eye on him but thank God he is okay. But then when we got here to Pacasmayo we were at a restaurant and sitting down and Britan got up and started running around and i thought the door was closed but it was open and he slipped out and both Brian and I got up and ran screaming because the roads are so busy. It was a terrifying moment as a parent that I do not want to think about. My goodness.
Otherwise Britan just wants to get all dirty with this dirt and sand because he is not used to being outside in the dirt. Haha! We do not have a yard at our house in the USA.
Anyway, we are having a wonderful time. We have monopoly and cards and we are just hanging out. I hope you are all blessed and well. My thoughts are with you. We love you all.
-Rita, Brian & Britan
P.S. I apologize for errors. This is a spanish key board & I do not know how to change some things.

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