Monday, November 9, 2009

Can't Let Go--Landon Pigg

I've been dying to make it official, returning to Peru and all and 5 hours after it is official, my mind is racing with all the finalities that will come of this as a result.
Finishing my university career. Wow.
I thought it would never come but now that it is rapidly approaching, it will be hard to let go of. I mean, I have been at school since Fall 2005. I have met so many people. Done so many things, learned so many things, had so many firsts at this school and with people. And now I am doing lasts in these couple months that are left and it is weird looking back on all that has happened, where I am at now.
There are specific things that are hard to let go of: sisterhood, consistency, spiritual atmosphere, chapels, accountability, and I know some of those live on forever but it will forever be different.
There are some people that I will stay in touch with forever, some I may lose contact with from time to time but we will be forever friends, and then there are some that I may never see or talk to again. And I don't know how I feel about that.
I think I feel like some things were left unsaid. Not finished. And I do not intend on finishing it because sometimes others need to take initiative.
Maybe I am just afraid to open a new door and close an old one.
Who knows.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I am SO excited about Peru and have been waiting for this for months. I just have a feeling it is going to alter my life in a HUGE way and that is a bit frightening. I just want to do it all God's way.
I don't want to lose sight.
I don't want to get distracted.
I don't want to become self-centered.
I always want to keep my eyes on Christ and let Him lead me.
No matter where, I will go. No matter what, I will do.
God, I will serve you.
No matter what that means.
Your Truth will guide me.

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