Friday, November 20, 2009


It shocks me how people who are raised in the church can be so anti-God.
I mean, putting aside the bad preachers, the hypocritical people, the bad role models, the influence of the world, etc., how can you put aside God?
Because all those other things don't matter.
They are just excuses to not give absolute awe, respect, love, adoration to the One God who created us, who loves us, who sent His Son to die for us, and who gives us His grace daily, even when we choose to screw up.
How people can become so tainted, so jaded, so deceived is beyond me.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I have lived in deception. In fact, I lived in that deception for 5 months of my life consistently but even while living in that deception, Christ in me was fighting for my life. I felt it and was aware of Him almost daily. Scriptures were popping up and convicting me constantly. People who knew nothing of the lifestyle I was living in said things that just blew me away, as if God were speaking directly to my soul. How can people deny that?

It is crazy how people can walk around on this earth and not see God.
And saying that too many bad things happen in this world for there to be a good God is sad and just another excuse to not have to live for God. Bad things happen to people everyday, to good and bad people, it is a part of life and even though it stinks royally, it does not mean that God does not care or love those people who get hurt.
Jesus died a horrible death on the cross, He was not spared pain, why should any of us be? He was perfect and yet He still experienced the ultimate pain. We sin on a daily basis, why do we think we deserve a perfect life?
It is all just saddening to see people deny Christ daily. And for what? or for whom?
I choose God, in the good and even in the bad.


AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

This is right on sister! My pastor was just talking to us at chuech today about how we needed to choose to live r life for christ with all of r words and actions matching. Everything we say we need to b loyal to. God forgives are skrew ups which is a really good thing b/c I am pretty sure I do like a hunderd times a day. Uhh I had a point but now don't know where I was going with that but I totally know what you mean about how in the word people don't see God and all he has done. I mean just look at the people or nature or the sky and that blows my mind!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

You are slacking on your blogging. ha ha I just wanted to give you a hard time! Te Amo Mucho!