Friday, October 30, 2009

Revival thoughts

Revival has come and gone and it was truly amazing.
God really moved on our campus through those messages.
The speakers were willing to be used by God and I am eternally grateful because God really did a working on my heart, in my mind, and in my soul. I feel so refreshed. Truly revived, however cliche that may be. I felt like the joy of the Lord was truly coursing through my veins, jumping up and down in worship, truly praising the Lord! I mean I believe that I really most always really give my all in worship but I just felt like it was so different, maybe because I felt truly restored, free, at peace. I don't know but it was a WOW moment.
I went up for prayer on claiming victory over certain things in my life, past and present.
It was a beautiful moment.
Now the real test begins, taking what I learned and truly applying it to my everyday living, not staying the same but transforming more into the image of Christ.
Baptize me with Your love Lord. I need more of Your love.

Revival: Pt. 2 Ron Luce

-The grace of God is never ending, let Him was you clean--We don't need to live with secrets in our lives.
-God will only go where you give Him opportunity to invade.
-You may be redeemed but still living in the consequences of the sin.
-Once you've exposed all the darkness to the light, you can begin the reconstruction process.
-Repairment doesn't happen quickly.
-The functional quality is more important than the external quality.
-As we become more functional, the external quality changes.
-Learning to truly understand why those hurtful things happened may never come but obeying God even if you don't understand is crucial.
1. Sin Bay-Repentance
--Things you've done against God.
-Titus 2:11-14
-Grace teaches you power to say NO.
-Where you are weak, you do not have to stay weak--Let the weak say I am strong.
-You will not be a slave any longer!
-Romans 12:1-2-Renew your mind, change the way you think.
-There's a big difference between forgiveness and repentance.
-You don't have to stay on a repetitive merry-go-round!
-Repentance is to change your mind, change your direction.
-Christians have lived in slavery forever.
-Let the chains fall, walk in that repentance.
-Refuse to let satan dominate you in that weak area in your life.
-His Word gives you the ability and grace to say NO!
-You're free to do whatever you want but it doesn't make you wise.
-Psalm 1
-We're not supposed to be babies our whole life--press on to maturity.
-Romans 6:17-18
-Just because you do not understand what God is asking, He knows what He is protecting you from.
-If the devil can't take you to hell, he'll make you impotent in this world.
2. Sin Bay-Restitution
--Things we have done against others.
-Restitution brings freedom!
-There are consequences to restitution.
-It is much more virtuous and right to be free and set right with God.
3. Areas of Decay
--Things that happened to you that were no fault of your own.
-How many times should we forgive Lord? -70 x 7!
-Mark 11, Matthew 18
-It's not your fault!
-On a regular basis, forgive, ask forgiveness.
-Ephesians 4:31-32-Get rid of and forgive!
-It's bad enough someone violated you, don't let what they did eat away at you.
-Forgiveness isn't a feeling, it's a choice!
-Revenge doesn't make you feel any better.
-We may not ever know why certain things happened to us but God's grace is sufficient and His restoration is real!
-You choose forgiveness, to not look back to the anger and to let go! (Ex. Use forgiveness scriptures to carry around for when you see or think of the person you have forgiven)
-Sin blinds you and makes you stupid.
-You choose to forgive and let go without waiting for them to ask!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Revival Message: Ron Luce Pt. 1

-God's hobby is to restore us, fully and completely.
-Restoration is a process, many different stages.
Psalm 23--He restores my soul
-Our mind, our will, our emotions-He puts us back together.
Isaiah 57, 64
Jeremiah 30:3, 17-18
Nahum 2:2
Matthew 9:30, 12:13
Mark 3:5, 8:25
John 5:6
1 Peter 5:10
Do you want wholeness? Do you really want restoration?
-Everyone needs restoration. We're all in the process of it.
-See the beauty in the ugly.
-You can be saved..but are you whole?
-Is there decay in your life?
-Sometimes words eat at you like cancer.
-It will infect the way you think, wrongfully, because of the decay.
--Process of Restoration--
-First you must START
-->Don't procrastinate
-->Don't let the pain stop you
-->It will only get worse if you put it off
-->Psalm 80
-Take the whole thing apart
-->Clean it, even in areas no one would see
-->Sometimes we're so used to the baggage in our lives that we just leave it.
-->Sometimes we just polish our baggage
-Get rid of-Confess your baggage
-->Sins of ommission-Failed to do it
-->Sins of Commission-Did it
-James 5
-Shine light on every dark area in your life
-The cleaning process of restoration is dirty and messy! Jesus is willing to walk through that process with you, just as He did on the cross for our sins!
-What would the world be like if everyone made a promise to expose all of the dark areas in their lives by sunset?
-Make a promise, do it for yourself. Do it for God.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lie to Me

Life is quite interesting.
The mystery it brings.
Things can be so unexpected sometimes. It is weird having doors of my past thoughts jarred open and exposed, facing things head on. But I will admit that it is quite refreshing to get a fresh perspective and to recognize future possibilities of unnecessary pain and biting it in the bum now before it can even come to that.
I always asked God why.
And even though I knew I would never get an answer, it is interesting to see how it is all unfolding.
I feel like I lost my ability to write last year. And slowly I am retrieving it.
It was like I supressed everything so much so that I could not even communicate clearly or accurately and as that is all behind me, it is coming back into perspective and becoming clear and accurate again. I don't know if that makes sense but it does to me.
Please be praying for my health and my studies. Those two seem to be where I am lacking currently and they are the two most important things right now. So that could be a problem.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I love how God works

"You communicate to other people how to behave in your presence by the way you treat yourself."

"Boundaries are the rules of war and the laws of constraint that are dictated by our virtues."

1 Corinthians 15:33 "Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for 'bad company corrupts good character.' that doesn't mean that we can't have friends who are messed up, but the question we have to ask ourselves is who is influencing whom?"

If we do not demand respect by our character and countenance, we will not get it. People sense how we feel about ourselves and will treat us disrespectfully if we are putting off the vibe that we are not a man or woman of character or value. We must act like a princess if we want to be treated like a princess. If we act like we don't like ourselves, people will see that and will treat us as though we are of no worth or value.
So it is important to know who we are in the Lord and to walk that out in our speech and actions.

Fall break is over!

Fall break is officially over so I need to get back to business.
Minnesota was amazing. The warmest weather it has ever been.
I had an amazing time with Nicole and her family. 
They bless my life tremendously. I love being in their home.
Now I am back at home/school and have major senioritis.
No bueno.
I need to make an appointment to speak with the people about consolidating my loans and loan payments and all that jazz. Please pray with me that we can somehow, someway do the impossible and get my loan payments down low. Only God can perform that miracle, ha ha.
Lots to do, so little time to do it, and yet I procrastinate. No bueno.
The reality is that I do not have enough money to travel the world doing missions, or to spend a year or two in Peru without a paying job. That's the reality. But I am glad that God does not always make us live based on the reality. He is bigger than all things and provides for whatever He wants us to do, wherever He wants us to go and I will stand on His Word and His truth and hope that He will send me. It does not mean He does not love me or hear my cry if He does not send me to Peru for a year. It just means that it is not my time to be there for a year.
He is faithful no matter what happens.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My beloved Peruvians

I finally talked to them.
And I almost teared up when all the audio stuff was not working.
We started doing webcam but only they could see me.
Then Kevin came and tried to fix it. But since it was not working, he brought Yhonson and Gerson into his room and let them talk to me on Skype while Betty tried talking to me on Maribel's msn.
I showed them my room and my house and outside of my house. But the boys only wanted talk in spanish so Kevin was translating.
But Yhonson said "Hola Ratita" and it made me smile from ear to ear!
And Betty told me "que es mi amiga mejor ratita"
So after the boys went to eat, Betty and I did webcam, we just had to type instead of talk. Only for a few minutes and then BETZABE was on the screen and I was like awww! And Gerson and Yhonson were with her. And I showed them my nieces and nephew and they saw my necklace and Yhonson asked me if "mi novio" gave it to me! I said I do not have a boyfriend! ha ha! And Maribel said that Yhonson had a girlfriend and he was like noooooooooooo!
And then she said, well he is in love with a girl, that is why he does not study! And I laughed of course and he was like nooooooooo! And I was like, Yhonson, you do not need to have a girl friend and you need to do your school work, ha ha!
They were sending me all those silly winks on msn messenger and I was laughing hysterically.
And I was sending them too. They have cool different one's that are in spanish.
But then their webcam stopped and they had to go back to their house so Maribel and I chatted for a few. They have a new girl named Carol and she is 14 years old.
And she said that God's really blessing them at the orphanage. And that they are praying for more help with the houses and for the kids to be able to go to a summer camp. And she asked us to help pray too. And to pray about presents for the kids at christmas time. A nurse volunteer is going to be there next week.
And she told me that I have really helped a lot, especially with the older kids and that touched my heart! And just so you know, Yhonson asked about both you Emily and Aimee.
If it would have been better with audio and all, I am sure others would have said hello but it just was not the best. Much more difficult typing the whole time.
Anyway, we are supposed to try again on Saturday when the audio is fixed.
I knew you'd want to hear about my chat!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Senior paper is a 40 page paper with 45 sources and the class is called Senior Paper. So the whole grade is based off of the paper. No bueno. It is due in about 5 weeks and I have gotten nowhere. I know I can do it but I am having a hard time getting the inspiration I need to write it. Please pray for me, ha ha.
Minnesota is great.
The dream I had brought about so much thought provoking and really looking into myself.
I have so much admiration and respect for Nicole and her family. I mean they are not perfect by any means, because no one is. But their family is so devoted to the Lord. They each have their own unique personalities that brings in their own dynamics and I just love being able to be a part of the family for a week once a year. It gives me the opportunity to see where they have grown in one years time.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am in Minnesota.
It is cold.
The worship at church has been amazing.
The time with the family is wonderful, perfect in every way.
Tomorrow begins the journey of Senior Paper, boo!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall Break!

It is finally here.
After my class tomorrow I am off to Minnesota to visit one of my best and dearest friends!
It will be crisp and cold. But I don't care. As long as I am with my friends, whom I call my family, because they are a part of my family! It is going to be a great week.
I must work on my senior paper while there. boo.
I went to the doctor today. I had some problems. I have a bug from Peru. So I am on antibiotics and that is supposed to kick it. If it does not, then we have more serious problems. So we're believing for the bug, ha ha. I also got information on the other stuff I need to take care of before the end of the semester, health-wise. So that was good.
My niece, who is 3, fractured the bone above her elbow tonight. Poor thing.
My car is sitting in a parking lot and probably won't be used again for driving in.
I have to be up at 7 a.m. to go to school and I am just getting home from work, at midnight.
Oh the joys of life.
I pray blessings upon you =]

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I went to sleep at 11 and woke up at 7 a.m. and I felt like I was in Peru again :)

I have been so distracted by thoughts of my future, present, and past, it is ridiculous.
Not necessarily bad thoughts, just thoughts that are overwhelming my present life since I have so much to do and yet I am not taking care of getting those things done to the best of my ability because I am so distracted by thoughts. No bueno.
Fall Break is on Friday and I am beyond excited. I did not get to go to Minnesota last fall break on account of me being ridiculously sick! So I am super pumped about my trip this year because I will get to spend time with Nicole and her family one last time before I graduate. Traditions.
I am having more health problems these days. And I probably should be concerned and I think internally I am freaking out, but on the outside, I put a smile on my face and ignore the signals that are telling me I should probably go to the doctor. I just hate finding out what the results are. I don't like being sick. Especially when it could be serious things. I think some of it may be health stuff from returning from being out of the country. I need to figure out what places I can go to without insurance so that I can get these things taken care of, slay these dragons once and for all. Amen.
I've always wondered why I am so calm in the midst of pain, worry, concern, fear. But I guess it is because of the peace that surpasses all understanding that the Holy Spirit gives me.
I really don't have much to say.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb

Some days I want so desperately to defend my honor, to justify myself, to protect my reputation. It is like a fire burning within myself. But I know it is not necessary so I withhold the urge to give in when I see specific people who think they know the truth but are living under an assumption.
Some days I want answers so desperately to why people do certain things that can hurt a person so much, tearing their heart apart and bringing so much change into their lives. But then I remember that it is not necessary for now. If a person wants to honestly share why they did what they did or what they were thinking at the time, then they can do that but I do not need to seek anyone out and try to get answers. Because I am a whole person nonetheless.
What has happened throughout my life may have helped to define my character today but it does not define who I am. I choose to let things affect me the way that I do and I can choose to learn from my past and not let my past define my existence.
I am a whole person in Christ Jesus and as much as I want answers sometimes, I am complete nonetheless. God is my strong tower, my rock of salvation. And nothing can change that.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I miss...

I miss the constant wind because for once it felt like a touch of God.
And not a blistering cold wind.
I miss the children the most.
I miss how their faces light up when they see you. And the way they say your name. And how they attempt to talk to you, even with the language barrier. I miss the twinkling in their eyes as they soak up the love and attention you give them. I miss seeing them sing worship songs in church. I miss how they laugh. I miss the basketball, ha ha. I miss the hugs and how they intertwine their fingers into yours when walking, sitting, watching movies. But most of all I miss their hearts. They each individually have their own personalities. They each have something to offer to the world. And they each deserve to know how loved, important, and valuable they are.
I miss the relationships.
I met such amazing people while in Peru. People who have encouraged me in my faith and helped me to follow the path of the Lord. I miss them.
I miss the adventure.
All of life is an adventure really. It just depends how you look at it. But I Miss the Peruvian Adventure because I feel like it is where I should be. But in God's timing, right?
I miss a lot of things about Peru.