Saturday, September 26, 2009

Take One

I have been so restless over Peru.
I want so desperately to return but have had no idea of how that was going to happen.
I started reading Above the Line Series: Take One by Karen Kingsbury yesterday and finished it today. It's THAT good. I love reading what she writes because God speaks to my heart and soul through her. And I absolutely love that.
As much as I escape to another world when reading, her books always bring a conviction to my heart, a reminder of something I needed to hear, a truth that I had forgotten, an encouragement where doubt had taken its toll, a support when I felt I had none, etc.
In this book I felt like I was reading a script of situations in my own life this past year. I was like, how did you get into my deepest thoughts. It was like looking into a mirror and all the hidden shame was revealed, all the secrets within were exposed. And it was me and God.
It's hard to face yourself.
And on the other part of the book, it was about two Christian producers, trying to make an impact on the hollywood scene. Trying to bring change and they do not have enough funding to finish the movie. The whole time they are struggling to have faith in God to provide and are being constantly reminded of God's faithfulness.
Prayer, obedience, devotion to God, He shows up. No matter what the end result.
He is a faithful God.
That is why I know that if God is calling me to Peru directly after I graduate, He will make it happen, even if it is the last minute. And if it is not His will for me to be in Peru after I graduate for 1-2 years or something, then it will not happen. And I have to be okay with His will for my life.
But I have fully told Him that I am willing to go. I am just me, faults and all, but I am a willing servant. I want to go where His light is seen dim, His voice is heard small, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth! So He will send me wherever that may be, and I will go. He has already called me.
I fully believe in Christ and I fully trust in His will for my life after college.
No matter how scary it looks, no matter what doubts arise, I know He will provide.

1 comment:

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

I don't know if I have told you this verse before or not but it is always a good one to hear! It talks about which every direction you go for God's honor and glory he will be behind you pushing you through! It is Isaiah 30:21! You have the right attitude and I love your beautiful servent heart! God will honor you for waiting in his timing and plan for your life. I am so proud of you for reading that book so fast! I wish I loved to read like that! Even when I find a book I really really like it still takes me a few days to finish it. I always say girl shut yo window to one of my friends because of an inside joke we have. I learned how to say it in spanish! It is so exciting! I use it all the time! When I use spanish it makes me think of u helping me and all the bonita ninos! I could really use a big Norma hug or a Jose one! :)