Saturday, October 3, 2009

Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb

Some days I want so desperately to defend my honor, to justify myself, to protect my reputation. It is like a fire burning within myself. But I know it is not necessary so I withhold the urge to give in when I see specific people who think they know the truth but are living under an assumption.
Some days I want answers so desperately to why people do certain things that can hurt a person so much, tearing their heart apart and bringing so much change into their lives. But then I remember that it is not necessary for now. If a person wants to honestly share why they did what they did or what they were thinking at the time, then they can do that but I do not need to seek anyone out and try to get answers. Because I am a whole person nonetheless.
What has happened throughout my life may have helped to define my character today but it does not define who I am. I choose to let things affect me the way that I do and I can choose to learn from my past and not let my past define my existence.
I am a whole person in Christ Jesus and as much as I want answers sometimes, I am complete nonetheless. God is my strong tower, my rock of salvation. And nothing can change that.

1 comment:

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

"What has happened throughout my life may have helped to define my character today but it does not define who I am." Amen to that sister. God brings us through trails to help us grow. Think of it like this. You are a beautiful flower learning how to spread your petals to their full beauty. IDK if that makes sence it just came to me! :) I think God loves analogies so I like when they come to me hehehehe! Te amo mucho me amiga!