Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall break is over!

Fall break is officially over so I need to get back to business.
Minnesota was amazing. The warmest weather it has ever been.
I had an amazing time with Nicole and her family. 
They bless my life tremendously. I love being in their home.
Now I am back at home/school and have major senioritis.
No bueno.
I need to make an appointment to speak with the people about consolidating my loans and loan payments and all that jazz. Please pray with me that we can somehow, someway do the impossible and get my loan payments down low. Only God can perform that miracle, ha ha.
Lots to do, so little time to do it, and yet I procrastinate. No bueno.
The reality is that I do not have enough money to travel the world doing missions, or to spend a year or two in Peru without a paying job. That's the reality. But I am glad that God does not always make us live based on the reality. He is bigger than all things and provides for whatever He wants us to do, wherever He wants us to go and I will stand on His Word and His truth and hope that He will send me. It does not mean He does not love me or hear my cry if He does not send me to Peru for a year. It just means that it is not my time to be there for a year.
He is faithful no matter what happens.

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