Thursday, October 1, 2009

I miss...

I miss the constant wind because for once it felt like a touch of God.
And not a blistering cold wind.
I miss the children the most.
I miss how their faces light up when they see you. And the way they say your name. And how they attempt to talk to you, even with the language barrier. I miss the twinkling in their eyes as they soak up the love and attention you give them. I miss seeing them sing worship songs in church. I miss how they laugh. I miss the basketball, ha ha. I miss the hugs and how they intertwine their fingers into yours when walking, sitting, watching movies. But most of all I miss their hearts. They each individually have their own personalities. They each have something to offer to the world. And they each deserve to know how loved, important, and valuable they are.
I miss the relationships.
I met such amazing people while in Peru. People who have encouraged me in my faith and helped me to follow the path of the Lord. I miss them.
I miss the adventure.
All of life is an adventure really. It just depends how you look at it. But I Miss the Peruvian Adventure because I feel like it is where I should be. But in God's timing, right?
I miss a lot of things about Peru.

1 comment:

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Yes my dear friend.In God's timing. I know it is really hard. God has placed a desire on your heart to help these children and the people in Pacasmayo. Your time isn't done there. He will send you back when you are ready and they are ready for you! So when I was reading this I totally teared up. I really miss it too and know all those feelings that go along with it. You were there longer then me though so it is probably harder for you my friend. I love you and God will continure to mold your heart. Soon friend, hopefully soon. Te Amo Mucho!