Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Revival Message: Ron Luce Pt. 1

-God's hobby is to restore us, fully and completely.
-Restoration is a process, many different stages.
Psalm 23--He restores my soul
-Our mind, our will, our emotions-He puts us back together.
Isaiah 57, 64
Jeremiah 30:3, 17-18
Nahum 2:2
Matthew 9:30, 12:13
Mark 3:5, 8:25
John 5:6
1 Peter 5:10
Do you want wholeness? Do you really want restoration?
-Everyone needs restoration. We're all in the process of it.
-See the beauty in the ugly.
-You can be saved..but are you whole?
-Is there decay in your life?
-Sometimes words eat at you like cancer.
-It will infect the way you think, wrongfully, because of the decay.
--Process of Restoration--
-First you must START
-->Don't procrastinate
-->Don't let the pain stop you
-->It will only get worse if you put it off
-->Psalm 80
-Take the whole thing apart
-->Clean it, even in areas no one would see
-->Sometimes we're so used to the baggage in our lives that we just leave it.
-->Sometimes we just polish our baggage
-Get rid of-Confess your baggage
-->Sins of ommission-Failed to do it
-->Sins of Commission-Did it
-James 5
-Shine light on every dark area in your life
-The cleaning process of restoration is dirty and messy! Jesus is willing to walk through that process with you, just as He did on the cross for our sins!
-What would the world be like if everyone made a promise to expose all of the dark areas in their lives by sunset?
-Make a promise, do it for yourself. Do it for God.

1 comment:

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Restoration is such a churchy word I feel like. When I hear it I feel like I jsut brush it off bc i have heard it so much. But it is such a powerful word when you break it apart and really start looking at the purpose of it all. "Sometimes words eat at you like cancer." So true. Sometimes I just replay things so much in my head that I have to ask God to stop the thoughts. I have to force myself not to dwell.
"Take the whole thing apart
-->Clean it, even in areas no one would see
-->Sometimes we're so used to the baggage in our lives that we just leave it." I like this part. Sometime we get so use to carrying all that weight and doing things ourselves that we don't realize how heavy our bags have gotten until we can't go any longer and God takes them off.